Computes the agreement of differential expression (DE) wihtin one data set
with an assumed true DE status usually given based on a gold standard.
The following statistics are computed based of the differentially expressed
markers id.list
compared to the list truly differentially expressed
markers truth
False Discovery Rate (FDR)
False Negative Rate (FNR)
True Positive Rate (TPR)
False Positive Rate (FPR)
DE.statistics(markers, id.list, truth, selected.marker = NULL)
markers | Vector of all markers considered in the analysis. |
id.list | Vector of markers that are differentially expressed in a
data set --- typically in the data set |
truth | Vector of genes that are (assumedly) truly differential
expressed, e.g. basen on a gold standard --- typically the data set
selected.marker | optional Vector of a subset of |
A list of:
True positive Rate
False Positive Rate
False Discovery Rate
False Negative Rate
Both, id.list
and truth
are a subset of markers from