Function for the boxplots of FDR and FNR based on golden truth (typically the simulated benchmark data set
and the differential expression analysis (typically the results from the simulated normalized test data set
fig.FDR_FNR.boxplot(DEA.list, truth.DEA.list, title, subset = NULL)
DEA.list | A list with each element as a normalization method including the differential expression analysis (DEA) results from multiple simulated data |
truth.DEA.list | A list of DEA results of benchmark data for multiple simulated dataset |
title | The title of the figure |
subset | optional A vector of a subset of genes/markers for this analysis |
simulated <- = c(0.15, 0.25), median = c(2, 4), numsets = 10)
norm.methods <- c("norm.TMM", "norm.TC", "norm.UQ", "")
test.DEA.list <- list()
for (i in norm.methods){
temp = lapply(1:10, function(x) pip.norm.DE(raw = simulated[[x]]$simulated_test,
groups = simulated[[x]]$simulated_group, norm.method = i))
test.DEA.list <- append(test.DEA.list, list(temp))
names(test.DEA.list) = norm.methods
benchmark.DEA.list <- lapply(1:10, function(x) DE.voom(RC = simulated[[x]]$simulated_benchmark,
groups = simulated[[x]]$simulated_group, P = 0.01))
fig.FDR_FNR.boxplot(DEA.list = test.DEA.list, truth.DEA.list = benchmark.DEA.list, title = "Example of FDR and FNR boxplot")